yves rocher group was created in france in 1958.<br><br>yves rocher is the world leader in botanical beauty care and is affirming its status as one of the world's foremost brand of plant-based beauty care products. <br><br>with employees and more than direct selling consultants, the group relies on three large distribution networks and a fast-growing online sales channel. <br><br>more than 40 million women worldwide place their confidence each day in the group's 10 brands: yves rocher, daniel jouvance, docteur pierre ricaud, le monde en parfum, kiotis, galerie noemie and sante naturelle, which offer them a complete line of innovative, high-quality cosmetics; stanhome and francoise saget, which provide a wide range of products for the home; and petit bateau, whose new clothing collections bring joy to young and old alike.<br><br>法国伊夫·黎雪集团成立于1958年。<br><br>伊夫·黎雪在世界植物美容界拥有领先地位,将尖端植物科技美容的新突破运用到护肤产品的研发中,为女性们带来领先全球的护肤体验。<br> <br>伊夫·黎雪集团拥有名员工,并间接提供了多个工作机会。通过成熟的三大销售渠道和先进的网络销售模式,集团不仅将产品销往五大洲各个国家,并持续增长,逐步扩大版图。<br><br>如今,伊夫·黎雪品牌在全球拥有上千万女性爱用者,她们将伊夫·黎雪的品牌理念内化为自己的价值观,贯穿到对高质量生活的追求中。每天全世界有超过四千万的女性爱用者们将她们对高质量生活的追求寄托于十大品牌,其中有能够为她们提供一整套创新优质的化妆品的品牌有:伊夫·黎雪,daniel jouvance, docteur pierre ricaud, le monde en parfum, kiotis, galerie noemie 以及 sante naturelle, 而stanhome 与 francoise saget, 则为她们提供选择范围很广的家居产品.还有petit bateau, 提供的新服饰受到各个年龄段人群的欢迎。